Tag Archives: vwfl

S H A R K B A I T. 2 0 1 4. Issue 2.

S H A R K B A I T.  Had the pleasure of experiencing the huge milestone weekend at the Sharks on Sunday. Seeing the first woman to achieve 300 games was wonderful along with cheering on a 50 game milestone and a 100 game milestone saw the farm full of onlookers, supports, family and friends which was great to see. Unfortunately the Sharks were unable to bring home the wins even though looking like the teams to beat!

Although there was no game wins during the weekend we did see a great club coming together where lots were pitching in to help with whatever needed to be done, which showed that no matter what happens we will stick together and push through! The Sharks have some very exciting games coming up and we all hope that we make you all proud by coming home with some impressive wins!

Richo leading the Sharks out for her 100th game!

Richo leading the Sharks out for her 100th game!

Solesy helping out in the Sharks canteen.

Solesy helping out in the Sharks canteen.

Blouse looking very excited before her 300th game!

Blouse looking very excited before her 300th game!

Vander and Gracie arriving pumped for the game!

Vander and Gracie arriving pumped for the game!

DJ giving the girls a few pre match words.

DJ giving the girls a few pre match words.


A few Shark supporters enjoying the sunshine.

The seniors huddle

The seniors huddle!

Trainer Mel always doing a great job on game days!

Trainer Mel always doing a great job on game days!

G A M E.  D A Y.  R E S U L T S.   

SENIORS                 Q1           Q2           Q3           Q4 

St Kilda Sharks     3.1-19     6.2-38     7.4-46      9.7-61
Melbourne Uni    
3.0-18     5.5-35     10.9-69   12.11-83

SENIORS Goal Kickers: M. Hope 3, G. Harris , S. Brown , J. Bruton , B. Hateley , E. Smith , A. Catterall
SENIORS Best Players:
B. Hateley, L. Bazeley, A. Catterall, S. Chapman, A. Walsh, J. Bruton

RESERVES                Q1          Q2            Q3            Q4

St Kilda Sharks     1.1-7      2.2-14     4.2-26     5.4-34
Melbourne Uni    
1.1-7     2.3-15      5.4-34     6.6-42

RESERVES Goal Kickers: J. Plumb 3, T. Hyett 2
RESERVES Best Players:
B. Bowey, T. Hyett, A. Arzoumanian, R. Banner, E. George-Brimson, M. Conley

R E C I P E.  R E V O L U T I O N. Whips up Gina’s famous Chocolate pudding….



  • Melted butter, to grease
  • 150g (1 cup) self-raising flour
  • 100g (1/2 cup) caster sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 125ml (1/2 cup) milk
  • 50g butter, melted
  • 1 egg, lightly whisked
  • Thickened cream or ice cream, to serve

Chocolate sauce

  • 155g (3/4 cup, firmly packed) brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 375ml (1 1/2 cups) boiling water


Step 1 – Preheat oven to 180°C. Brush a 1.5L (6-cup) capacity ovenproof dish with melted butter to lightly grease.
Step 2 – Combine the flour, sugar and cocoa powder in a medium bowl. Make a well in the centre. Combine the milk, butter and egg in a large jug. Gradually pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture and stir until well combined. Pour into the prepared dish and use the back of a spoon to smooth the surface.
Step 3 – To make the chocolate sauce, sift the sugar and cocoa powder into a bowl. Sprinkle over the pudding mixture in the dish. Gently pour the boiling water over the cocoa mixture.
Step 4 – Bake in oven for 40-45 minutes or until a cake-like top forms and a skewer inserted halfway into the centre comes out clean. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool slightly. Serve with thickened cream or ice cream, if desired.

  • If you have any recipe’s feel free to send them in at:  ginalarreedonovan@hotmail.com

H O T.  S E A T. asks the questions you’re too afraid to ask, but only publishes the ones that are appropriate….Sheri-Ann Taulla

  • If you could know the answer to any question, besides “What is the meaning of life?” what would it be? Why does Easter egg chocolate taste better than regular chocolate? 
  • What’s something you have learnt in the last week? The new X men movie is coming out soon!
  • If you were a porn star what would your name be? Kiki Robinson
  • What is your favourite pizza topping? Hawaiian ( still my favi even tho I’m vego now)
  • Is your belly button an innie or an outie? Innie 
Sher at the Sharks 2014 Jumper Presentation

Sher at the Sharks 2014 Jumper Presentation

S H A R K.  N I C K N A M E.  Q U I Z. 


B L O U S E.                                 Nicola Liston

D I N G A.                                    Emily Paterno

C U R L S.                                     Stephanie Brown

P A D D Y.                                     Penny and Mia

S L A C K S.                                   Belinda Bowey

D J.                                                 Alana Bell

M O U S I E.                                  Rebecca Ticili

D I N G O.                                     Belinda Hately

P I A.                                              Marnie Rosenberg

T I C K L E S.                                  Amanda Walsh

R I C H O.                                       Tamara Hyett

M I N A J.                                        Rebecca Dardengo


I N.  O T H E R.  N E W S. 

The Sharks very own Belinda Bowey has been cast in the next 300 movie!!!! CONGRATULATIONS BLOUSE on your new movie role, please don’t forget the Sharks with all the fame and fortune you will be receiving. But seriously we are very proud to have the first woman to acheive those 300 women’s football games back at the Sharks, you are very much a well deserving pick for the movie role, I’m looking forward to my red carpet premier tickets thank you in advance!


Ellie GB has completed her first scoreboard duty relatively successfully on the weekend! Starting off nervously while bringing back the old “I failed year 10 easy maths” excuse and getting a little help from Tasma ‘Tassles’ Ritchie, Ellie showed great improvement by the end of the seniors game and with only one correction from the umpires she got over the line!            #welldoneellie



  While Nic Taylor is off jet setting around the world we have the wonderful Bridie jumping in as the Reserves runner. The reserves are very lucky to have the over 100 games player and premiership captain on the field helping us out on game days.                                     #thanksbridie #thanksforrubbingitinnic    

      enough said....IMG_3609

SOCIAL MEMBERSHIPS ARE NOW AVAILABLE! Over the weekend at our first home game we saw lot’s of our loving supporters getting their hands on official social memberships for the first time. We will be selling them at each home game for the rest of the season so don’t miss out!


Some of our supporters looking great in the new Sharks scarf!

10329286_10152075196566837_2548314114654700091_n photo

The winner of this weeks PULL-A-FACE COMPETITION has to hands down go to Phoebe!!!! I didn’t know faces had the ability to change that much….Congratulations! 10255281_10151987733661618_4520284092466200537_n 1509295_10151987733436618_8617349280725510224_n