11 Sharks involved in the 2014 Vic Country vs Vic Metro games Queens Birthday weekend

The VWFL Vic Country v Metro game will be played at Whitten Oval on June 7 and in a new initiative in 2014, AFL Victoria have added an u21 game to the event, giving an additional 44 players, coaches and staff an opportunity to play, coach and manage representative footy.

The teams were announced today and we’re delighted to report that 11 current Sharks will take the field this year, 10 playing and 1 coaching.

Alex Whitehead & Moana Hope will represent Vic Metro in the senior game while Emily Smith, Emily Paterno, Shae-Lee Murphy-Burke, Rebecca Dardengo, Rhiannon Banner, Stephanie Webb & Jasmine Garner will play for Vic Metro u21. Jenna Bruton will pull on the boots for the Vic Country u21 team and Shannon McFerran will take the helm as coach of the Vic Metro u21 team.

Sharks young gun Jenna Bruton told stkildasharks.com that she’s looking forward to the game, “I’m excited about playing alongside and against the best under 21’s in Victoria” she said.

The games will feature some of the best women’s footy talent Victoria has to offer with 21 current Western Bulldogs and Melbourne Football Club listed players selected to pull on the boots. These 4 teams are chock full of talent featuring some of the best women’s footballers that Victoria has on offer.

Assistant coach and all round legend Shannon McFerran said that she was delighted to be involved in a coaching role,

“Very excited about the coaching role. There are quite a few players from other teams I have coached in the u/16 SSV team a few years back so to see them progress into senior football and to have the opportunity to play again together and for me to be able to coach them again is great” she told stkildasharks.com

“We have had one session so far and have another Tuesday so it’s been mainly about the girls learning each other’s names and being able to enjoy the time to play with players they usually play against.”

Shannon is keen to develop herself as a coach.

“Coaching is something I have always enjoyed, as a player you are able to be out there amongst it but as a coach you can enjoy being able to sit back and watch the girls enjoy themselves it’s not always easy to watch but as a coach you want to be able to bring the best out in any player so seeing a player do their best and a team do their best that’s rewarding in itself” she said.

“As far as aspirations in coaching I’m still learning and will continue to learn. I have been around footy for a long time and had fantastic coaches throughout my playing career some have inspired me to want to coach but at the moment I am happy with my role as assistant to Lloyd and playing footy with a fantastic club at the sharks so it’s one year at a time.”

Sharks living legend Queen Ann said she was thrilled to see so many Sharks involved in Vic Country v Metro,

“To all my loyal subjects at the Peanut Farm, I tell you it’s fabulous and totally royal to see so many of our lovely team members involved. All the very best, I’m sure you’ll do us all proud, go Sharks” she told stkildasharks.com today.

Congratulations also to former Shark Cat O’Bryan who has been selected in the Vic Country team.

The Sharks wish all our members all the best for Vic Country v Metro game, good luck! We’ll be there supporting you.


Under 21: 12 pm
Open Age: 2 pm

Coaches: Sean Potter (St Albans) & Mick Sandry (Melbourne Uni)
Team Manager: Paul Lefevre (Bendigo)

2 Alana McNabb Bendigo Thunder

3 Daisy Pearce Darebin Falcons

6 Emma Kearney Melbourne University

9 Victoria Wyckelsma Melbourne University

12 Kaitlyn Ashmore Melbourne University

13 Catherine O’Bryan Melbourne University

16 Aasta O’Connor Darebin Falcons

17 Sarah-Jane Baldwin Bendigo Thunder

19 Kirra Myers Wyndhamvale

20 Natasha Hardy Sunbury Lions

21 Brooke Whyte Melbourne University

22 Lisa Kirby Sunbury Lions

23 Elise O’Dea Darebin Falcons

29 Melissa Hickey Darebin Falcons

30 Amanda Carrod Bendigo Thunder

32 Jane Lange Darebin Falcons

36 Katie Brennan Darebin Falcons

44 Alisha Habib North Geelong

55 Lauren Byrnes Melb University

56 Richelle Cranston North Geelong

58 Rhianna Arnold Eastern Devils


Coaches: Richard Dal Pos (Darebin) & Steve Richards (D Creek)
Team Manager: Dee Longwill (Eastern Devils)

5 Nicole Callinan Darebin Falcons

6 Kendra Heil Eastern Devils

7 Stephanie Chiocci Diamond Creek

9 Angelica Gogos Melbourne Uni

11 Jess Dal Pos Darebin Falcons

12 Alicia Eva Melbourne Uni

13 Lisa Williams Diamond Creek

14 Meg Hutchins Eastern Devils

16 Brittany Grech Diamond Creek

17 Lauren Spark Melbourne Uni

20 Lauren Arnell Darebin Falcons

21 Cecilia McIntosh Melbourne Uni

22 Laura Attard Diamond Creek

23 Chantelle McDonald Deer Park

24 Shannon Davies Pascoe Vale

29 Stephanie Simpson Darebin Falcons

36 Alex Whitehead St Kilda Sharks

37 Rebecca Privitelli Darebin Falcons

39 Loz Morecroft Diamond Creek

41 Moana Hope St Kilda Sharks

47 Sarah Hammond Darebin Falcons

52 Shannon Egan Darebin Falcons

54 Katherine Gillespie-Jones Seaford


Coach: Bree White (St Albans)
Team Manager: Paul Lefevre (Bendigo)

7 Gabriella Pound Melbourne Uni

8 Grace Campbell Bendigo Thunder

10 Terri McIntosh St Albans Spurs

11 Jenna Bruton St Kilda Sharks

14 Ashlee Wilkes Golden Point

15 Kelsey Houghton North Geelong

18 Caitlyn Wilson Eastern Devils

25 Nicola Stevens Melbourne Uni

26 Melanie McNamara North Geelong

27 Darcy Vescio Darebin Falcons

28 Emily Flavel La Trobe Uni

31 Madeleine Boyd North Geelong

33 Lauren Fluerie La Trobe Uni

34 Shannon Alexander Golden Point

35 Lily Campbell Bendigo Thunder

37 Kirsten McLeod Cranbourne

38 Jess Malouf Eastern Devils

40 Alex Gittings Melbourne Uni

45 Chloe McMillan Cranbourne

48 Emma Oliver Eastern Devils

51 Lisa Halfpenny Darebin Falcons


Coaches: Shan McFerran (St Kilda) & Dee Longwill (Eastern Devils)
Team Manager: Dee Longwill (Eastern Devils)

1 Olivia Aing Eastern Devils

2 Chantelle Warren Melbourne Uni

3 Hannah Ibrahim Melbourne Uni

4 Tayla Zammit St Albans Spurs

8 Emily Smith St Kilda Sharks

10 Zoe Alston Bayswater

15 Jessica Olschyna Cranbourne

18 Aleesha Brindley Eastern Devils

19 Ellie Blackburn Melb Uni

25 Madeline Keryk Melbourne Uni

26 Louise Stephenson Melbourne Uni

27 Emily Paterno St Kilda Sharks

28 Guilia Sgro-Ralph La Trobe Uni

30 Elle Koiker Diamond Creek

31 Shae-Lee Murphy-Burke St Kilda Sharks

32 Nicole Hales Diamond Creek

33 Rebecca Dardengo St Kilda Sharks

34 Cassie Hurst South Morang

40 Rhiannon Banner St Kilda Sharks

42 Stephanie Webb St Kilda Sharks

50 Jasmine Garner St Kilda Sharks

59 Sarah Perkins Eastern Devils

Leesa Catto