Depression does not have to be your Destiny!

Im sure each one of us goes through times in life where we feel unhappy, down, sad, angry, confused, bitter, hurt, unfulfilled….depressed.

I know I have fought feelings of hopelessness and depression in my journey.

Each one of us is created and born for a purpose and destiny. We all carry such unique gifts and abilities from within (our heart) and practically.

There are dreams and desires we all have and even ones we have never known about yet on our journey. We all have gold within us! We are made to live a fulfilling and great life using our specific gifts, talents and abilities.

I know at times when i struggled most with hopelessness was when i was focused on what i was NOT, comparing myself to others. Not feeling like I was enough just in who I am and what I had to offer. I was unaware of the Gold, potential and gifts that i myself carried!

Things changed with time, talking to people about how your feeling and what your going through may be confronting but it is a step in the right direction to help propel you toward your dreams and desires in life.

I started to see the unique things and ways I was made, what I had to offer, things I am gifted at and qualities within that made me. No one else can be as good as you!

Its important to not see Depression and these feelings as a sign that this is your lot in life. Its NOT. Use it to help you move toward wanting more in life. There are people and myself around to help you discover the beauty of who you are and keep searching deeper, there is always hope, you have not been forgotten. No mistake, past hurt and pain is ever irreparable!

We are all worthy and important and what matters to you where your at in life right now is IMPORTANT.

Ask someone close to you what is one thing you are good at or they like about you….focus on that and own it. One step at a time.

For you are fearfully and wonderfully made.